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Letters below were sent to founder Jeff Gold from people helped by Rescue Me!

Sender: Lisa Boyles     Date: November 20, 2015 _
     I was keeping a beautiful polydactyl British Shorthair mix in hopes of finding a good home for her after her owner, a retired homebody, died. She is nine years old and most local shelters were not accepting cats (they all say they are no-kill, but the largest one has a policy of euthanizing for age), and I did not want to put her into a situation where she would be at risk for euthanasia. I put her photo and information on Rescue Me, and started getting inquiries about her from people who asked questions that showed me they were being careful and sensible when considering adopting a cat. Although the cat is in excellent condition and does not look at all like an old cat, some people decided against adopting her when I told them she is nine, but several others thought that a healthy cat of her age would make an ideal companion animal. She just went to live with a family which includes a grandpa who is home a lot, just like her former owner! I am sure she will love that.

Give a gift or make a memorial donation: Donate to British Shorthair Rescue
A beautiful full-color acknowledgement card will be mailed to the person of your choice within 24 hours.

Sender: Amy L     Date: May 2, 2015 _
     Africa is a Bengal mix with a British Shorthair build and face. Rescue Me allowed me to find a great home for her, by offering a breed specific search that led a loving and caring woman to adopt this sweet and shy girl. I have used Rescue Me to re-home two foster Bengals now, and it is such a great tool to help so many animals. Keep it up and thank you!!

Sender: Heidi M.     Date: October 4, 2013 _
     We are so proud that we were able to adopt Lillie. We fell in love with her photo, and our hearts melted when we met her in person. She is such a joyful addition to our family. Thank you Rescue Me! for doing what you do!

Millions of animals die each year in animal shelters. You can help stop this: Donate to British Shorthair Rescue

Sender: Alex Gilbert     Date: September 7, 2013 _
     Thank you for Rescue Me! which I stumbled upon by accident... Grey Stone's owner passed away recently and your website let us find a loving new home for him! Thanks, Alex

Sender: C Smith     Date: June 17, 2013 _
     It took a little while, but then suddenly I kept getting requests for information about my cat and voila!! Magic!!! The perfect person emailed, and he was adopted!!! We both drove 3 hours to meet up, to get Ninja his new home with his new family. Thank you for your Rescue Me website!!!

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Sender: Megan Briggs     Date: January 25, 2013 _
     Simon was placed in a foster home recently because of a kind hearted cat lover (Angela) who contacted me through Rescue Me! and put me in touch with the proper people to take him. I can rest a little easier now knowing he's being cared for.

Sender: Sheri Lawton     Date: April 9, 2012 _
     Thank you. I had a pure bred British Shorthair, a young male, that was adopted within 24 hours! Sheri Lawton

Give a gift or make a memorial donation: Donate to British Shorthair Rescue
A beautiful full-color acknowledgement card will be mailed to the person of your choice within 24 hours.

Sender: Linda Spilling     Date: October 31, 2011 _
     Gentle Giant is being placed in a loving home this week - a family that had lost a Russian Blue to old age several years ago. They saw the picture and remembered how remarkably friendly their kitty had been. The family had another cat but it did not have the social personality of a 'Blue.' Gentle Giant had lost his original family when they moved and left him behind. He was confused and went from door to door on our street trying to find them. Because he was domestic, he couldn't fend for himself nor hunt. He began to lose weight and had been beaten up by wild animals. I finally took him in after several neighbors said they wanted him but did not follow through. Amidst my four other pets, I dressed his wounds, had him neutered and vaccinated and made a bed in the garage and lanai. He began to put on weight and the wounds began to heal. His personality bloomed - what a cat! So cuddly and loving even in the midst of such tragedy. Thank you for allowing me to post his ad on your service 'RescueMe.Org - Linda

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