I was keeping a beautiful polydactyl British Shorthair mix in hopes of finding a good home for her after her owner, a retired homebody, died. She is nine years old and most local shelters were not accepting cats (they all say they are no-kill, but the largest one has a policy of euthanizing for age), and I did not want to put her into a situation where she would be at risk for euthanasia. I put her photo and information on Rescue Me, and started getting inquiries about her from people who asked questions that showed me they were being careful and sensible when considering adopting a cat. Although the cat is in excellent condition and does not look at all like an old cat, some people decided against adopting her when I told them she is nine, but several others thought that a healthy cat of her age would make an ideal companion animal. She just went to live with a family which includes a grandpa who is home a lot, just like her former owner! I am sure she will love that. | |  |